Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Experis Hong Kong

Going steady

Relationship between hirers and jobseekers hits a balance as both look forward to opportunities ahead, writes John Cremer. ...

'New' accounting needs data and analysis skills

Catching up with technology poses a growing problem to many in different industries, but accounting is one of the professions most affected, writes Andrea Zavadszky. ...

Relocations spur pay rises and promotions

While hiring for IT and back-office operations at banks and other financial institutions is slowly picking up, a trend is appearing where companies are moving their operations away from Central to either less expensive parts of Hong Kong or even overseas, writes Michael Taylor. ...

HK hotel overcapacity may hurt profits and jobs

Few cities offer such a wide choice of hotels, complete with such high-quality service, as Hong Kong, writes Chris Davis. ...

Hot prospects, cold feet

Despite rising activity, the job market is still sluggish as recruiters and applicants remain cautious, writes John Cremer. ...

Construction leads the pack as sentiment builds

With few industry sectors immune to the ebbs and flows of market fluctuations, Hong Kong employers generally hold an optimistic view towards third-quarter hiring, writes Chris Davis. ...

Mixing hopes with realism

Latest survey shows workers are well aware belt-tightening is still employers’ priority, reports John Cremer. ...

Digital decisions

With social media playing a larger part in recruitment, jobseekers have to perfect their online profiles, writes Andrea Zavadszky. ...

Get connected

While a good network can help unearth hidden job opportunities, beware of becoming a ‘social butterfly’, writes Andrea Zavadszky. ...

Pay expectations on the rise

While the euro zone continues to grapple with crisis after crisis and economies struggle elsewhere, Hong Kong is expressing due caution about ... ...