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Tag: Manpower


每年最少一成DSE考生未能升學而投入社會工作。人力資源公司ManpowerGroup大中華區高級副總裁徐玉珊為各位職場新手分享求職貼士...... ...

Modelling builds image of future Hong Kong

While the engineering discipline is one of the world’s oldest, engineers are always looking for new ways to improve processes, systems and efficiency. Following a global trend, and supported by the government, Hong Kong’s construction industry is progressively using Building Information Modelling (BIM) to manage project information, from preparatory work to construction and operational stages. ...

Hiring plans up, led by finance and services

Hong Kong’s finance, real estate, insurance and services sectors remain on a firm hiring footing moving into the fourth quarter, with each industry sector reporting positive recruitment plans, writes Chris Davis. ...

Bound for home

New tactics – from higher pay to work-life balance – can lure back workers to fill the skills shortage, writes Darius Musni. ...

Construction leads the pack as sentiment builds

With few industry sectors immune to the ebbs and flows of market fluctuations, Hong Kong employers generally hold an optimistic view towards third-quarter hiring, writes Chris Davis. ...

Construction industry tops survey of Q3 hiring plans

Hiring intentions are on the rise, according to the latest Manpower Employment Outlook ... ...

Latest recruitment survey offers little spring cheer

Despite widespread optimism about the apparent strength of Hong Kong's job market, findings from Manpower's latest ... ...

Year of the part-time dragon

Short-term employment looks set to become a long-term staffing solution in Hong Kong, says Pallavi ... ...

Mainlanders lead expat hires by local companies

Hong Kong endures as an East-meets-West melting pot, but the mix is increasingly more Asian - specifically, mainland ... ...