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Tag: Market Outlook

Upbeat mood spurs positive hiring attitude

Prospects for jobseekers should be good in the second quarter if the findings of ManpowerGroup’s latest Employment Outlook Survey are anything to go by, writes John Cremer. ...

Surveys point to slight uptick in hiring and pay

Amid global economic uncertainty, a survey by Mercer Hong Kong shows that multinationals operating in the city are starting the year with a healthy dose of optimism, with 44 per cent expecting business performance to be better than in 2013, writes Chris Davis. ...

All is not well in welfare work

A gloomy outlook confronts the social services sector, writes Chiu Po-sze. ...

Construction leads the pack as sentiment builds

With few industry sectors immune to the ebbs and flows of market fluctuations, Hong Kong employers generally hold an optimistic view towards third-quarter hiring, writes Chris Davis. ...

Mixing hopes with realism

Latest survey shows workers are well aware belt-tightening is still employers’ priority, reports John Cremer. ...

Time to rev up and pay up

For the lucky few in Hong Kong, work may be all about "following your passion" and letting the finances take care of ... ...

Positive outlook for revenue generators

Although there is concern about the ongoing weakness of the United States and European economies, this is not currently translating to headcount reductions in ... ...

Employers upbeat on Q4 amid global gloom

Despite uncertainty in many of the world's economies, Hong Kong companies remain generally upbeat regarding fourth quarter recruitment ... ...

Retail, finance to drive hiring in third quarter

According to a recent Manpower survey, Hong Kong will continue to experience steady hiring activity through the third ... ...

Employment prospects are improving steadily

The results of a recent study of employers' hiring plans augur well for the year ... ...