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Tag: Employment Contract

Fixed-term contracts can be a poisoned chalice

With Hong Kong's new Companies Ordinance coming into effect in March, businesses are coming to grips with a raft of changes to the way they operate, writes Kathleen Healy. ...

Cultivating the best terms for garden leave

Employers often include “garden leave” provisions in their contracts of employment as a means of protecting their business when faced with the imminent departure of a key or senior employee, writes Gareth Thomas and Helen Beech. ...

The dangers of sugaring the pill when sacking errant staff

It is often said that Hong Kong employment law is relatively easy and less complex than other jurisdictions like the mainland and Japan, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

Beware of going overboard on non-compete clauses

In uncertain times, protecting employee talent is firmly at the top of employers’ priority lists, writes Kathleen Healy. ...

Employers must be well primed before saying 'you're fired'

Given the absence in Hong Kong of an “unfair dismissal” regime similar to that which exists, for example, in the UK and Australia, the termination of an employment contract in Hong Kong is considered by many to be relatively straightforward. ...

Be wary on minefield of 'discretionary' bonus payments

As we approach the end of the calendar year, many employees will be starting to calculate the value of forthcoming bonuses, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

Beware the hidden pitfalls of overseas secondment

While some companies may find overseas assignments or secondments unavoidable, careful thought must be given to these arrangements as they can have serious legal and taxation implications, writes Kathleen Healy. ...

Mediation puts disputing parties on equal footing

“No one wants to end up as a litigant in a court action. However, if this does happen, one should seize the position of the plaintiff and not the defendant.” ...

Don't let your business get fried by en masse poaching

At this time of year, with bonuses being calculated for payment at year end, many employees start to turn their minds towards thinking about new opportunities, writes Fiona Loughrey and Sarah Berkeley. ...