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Tag: Bonus


攞完Bonus又係搵工嘅好時候。「近年市道好差」、「出面個市好靜」呢幾年都聽到厭,忍咗兩三年無轉工嘅朋友可能會問「今年係咪轉工嘅好年?」。如果而家間公司唔能夠滿足到你「Career Path嘅需要」的話,咁今年就係轉工年。 ...

Watch out for the hidden pitfalls of bonus season

Bonus season is now in full swing for companies with financial years ending in March. Although the general trend since the financial crisis has seen bonus payments shrinking in size....... ...

Bonus disputes can be prevented by avoiding ambiguity in work contracts

There is a certain buzz and sense of anticipation in many offices now that bonus season is upon us....... ...

Should I take an initial 'pay cut'?

After a huge falling out with a colleague, I really want to change jobs. The only thing is, the offers I've been getting are half of what I'm currently on. ...

Heads shaking over cap

The recent implementation of a cap on bonuses paid out to bankers based in the European Union (EU) is expected to reshape - from a talent perspective - the banking sector in Asia, writes Raymond Ma. ...

Be wary on minefield of 'discretionary' bonus payments

As we approach the end of the calendar year, many employees will be starting to calculate the value of forthcoming bonuses, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

Half yearly review

My performance appraisal is coming up and I would like some tips for justifying a good bonus as I'm currently extremely underpaid ... ...

Workers say pay still excessive in UK financial services

Pay and bonuses in Britain’s financial services sector remain excessive and encourage risk-taking, according to those working in it. ...