Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Katharine de Vaal

Manager for Strategy and Transformation – ConnectedGroup

A brave career move in an uncertain market can pay dividends


The importance of gravitas at all levels of your career

One of the highest accolades I give to job candidates of all levels when making an introduction to a client...... ...

The bonus question: What are you waiting for?


Provide feedback

Following an unsuccessful interview, one of the most frustrating, and unfortunately all-too-common, occurrences is that of not receiving any feedback. The importance of post-interview feedback should not be underestimated. ...

What's your story?

The word "interview" conjures up feelings of apprehension, nervousness, and in some cases, downright fear. This is exacerbated by the fact that most people tend to find themselves in interview-preparation mode only when they are actively job searching, and so they feel additional pressure to make a positive impact. ...