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Tag: employment law

Hong Kong bosses beware over cross-border employment law

The Macau Judicial Base Court recently held that Macau law applied to an employment relationship between a Hong Kong citizen and his Hong Kong-based employer....... ...

Beware legal minefield lurking in consultant agreements

One question frequently asked of an employment lawyer is: “can we engage an individual we really want to hire as a consultant, not an employee?” In places where employment law is, or is perceived to be, employee-friendly, the question is asked even more often, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

The dangers of sugaring the pill when sacking errant staff

It is often said that Hong Kong employment law is relatively easy and less complex than other jurisdictions like the mainland and Japan, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

Beware the hidden pitfalls of overseas secondment

While some companies may find overseas assignments or secondments unavoidable, careful thought must be given to these arrangements as they can have serious legal and taxation implications, writes Kathleen Healy. ...

Employers face strict rules on staff data protection

In recent times, there have been a lot of attention-grabbing headlines on companies' obligations to protect personal data relating to customers and clients, writes Kathleen Healy. ...

Avoid perils and pitfalls in getting rid of under-performers

Virtually every business will admit that establishing or maintaining a high-performance culture is critical to its success, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

Big Brother at work: How 'personal' are personal posts?

How far can bosses go in stopping staff posting online? Here are some general guidelines from the legal experts ... ...