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Tag: Company Policy

Cyber world creating new arenas for sexual harassment

With International Women’s Day having come and gone this month, it is an appropriate time to take a step back and look at the current position of women in Hong Kong’s workplaces, writes Kathleen Healy. ...

Power of social media comes with great responsibility

As news of Twitter’s proposed IPO filters through investment markets, it should serve as a timely reminder for companies that social media platforms are here to stay, writes Kathleen Healy. ...

Companies cannot stay still over mobile-device policies

As mobile technology has developed to become an inevitable aspect of our everyday lives, employers now face a range of related issues, writes Fiona Loughrey and Sarah Berkeley. ...

Employers flirting with danger over workplace romances

Given the amount of time many of us spend in the workplace – especially in cities like Hong Kong – it is perhaps inevitable that personal relationships will flourish, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

Big Brother at work: How 'personal' are personal posts?

How far can bosses go in stopping staff posting online? Here are some general guidelines from the legal experts ... ...

Heads in the sand could lead to social media nightmares

There are some simple issues that need to be considered when constructing a social media policy, writes Pattie Walsh. ...