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Tag: Workplace Management

Employers flirting with danger over workplace romances

Given the amount of time many of us spend in the workplace – especially in cities like Hong Kong – it is perhaps inevitable that personal relationships will flourish, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

Disaster planning is a job to be done today, not tomorrow

There has inevitably been real concern, both locally and globally, about the recent deaths in China as a result of the H7N9 bird flu virus, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

Shape your own future

In last week's Survival Tips, we examined some of the steps you need to take in order to have full control of your ... ...

Business still a man's domain

With 30 women for every 100 male business owners, local females trail Asian counterparts... ...

Visual boost to dull meetings

David Sibbet, author of Visual Meetings: How graphics, sticky notes & idea mapping can transform group productivity, has found a way to engage people and help unleash... ...

Self-help book fails to hit target

This book starts with a bold and brave statement: "Much of what we think will improve our well-being is either misguided or just plain wrong." Like most self-help books, it blatantly tries to get you hooked, and it probably works. But for those looking for some workable recipes for success, this book may feel a bit half-baked. ...