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Tag: Compensation & Benefits

Employers' market

In investment banking, pay is generally equal across bulge-bracket and top-tier banks, says Nick Lambe. ...

Fresh graduate looking for a job

I'm completing a master's in finance, however my interest seems to be in HR and I'd really like some advice on planning my future career path ... ...

Short on skills

Lack of able staff could harm HK firms, writes John Cremer. ...

Taking a break makes a team

It made perfect sense for Travelport's Hong Kong office to take time off to be spoiled a few weeks ... ...

A 'special blend' at Starbucks

Partners – as employees are known – are at the heart and soul of the so-called “Starbucks Experience”. We believe one of the reasons why it is such a great ... ...

Benefits are hot amid zero to slight salary increases

Providing in-depth insights of salaries and employment market trends across various industry sectors, the Hays 2012 Salary Guide indicates that ... ...

Lotus positions itself wisely

Established in 1957, Lotus Tours is one of a handful of local Chinese-owned travel service providers in Hong Kong that is family ... ...

Quality and integrity

Sino Group has about 70 positions open in its property development and management business, which employs more than ... ...

HK executives prefer cash bonus over stocks

What gets you out of bed in the morning? If you are an executive or director in Hong Kong, it could be your short-term incentive (STI) compensation ... ...

Media faces drought of talent

Journalism, as a profession, is facing dreadful times as a significant number of media professionals prepare to jump ship amid... ...