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Switch to stability

Regulators and investors continue to demand that banks run their business while reducing the perceived financial and reputational risk of a cyclical investment banking business, writes Karl Franzmann. ...

Market stays buoyant

The banking and financial services' operational space remained active in the first two quarters of the year, writes Carol Cheung. ...

Key risk staff profiting

As a result of tightening regulations in the past few years, banks and other financial institutions have strengthened their compliance or risk management departments as a priority, writes Philip Quinn. ...

Accent on niche hiring

Investment banks and financial services firms remain cost-conscious, and therefore in 2014 we expect the majority of permanent hiring to be for replacement positions or for specific, niche roles such as front office developers and technical infrastructure support positions, writes Christopher Aukland. ...

Recovery continues

Last year there was a continued demand for relationship managers across all areas of commercial and corporate banking, with the SME (commercial banking) and local corporate sectors (corporate banking) the most active, says John Mullally. ...

Well-insured in 2014

The insurance sector has proven to be one of the few growth areas within the broader financial services industry over the past five years, writes John Mullally. ...

Salary, bonuses to rise

Private banking and insurance companies are most in demand of financial services talent in Hong Kong, writes Jessy Wong. ...

Changing motivations

While we have not seen widespread cutbacks in organisational headcount, recruitment activity is principally centred on replacing departing talent as opposed to achieving net growth in staffing levels via the creation of new positions, says Andrew Blake. ...

Employers' market

In investment banking, pay is generally equal across bulge-bracket and top-tier banks, says Nick Lambe. ...