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Tag: Flexible Work Hours

Things to Consider Before You Jump into Freelance Work

Are you thinking to work as a freelancer? There are opportunities to get freelance work and if you want to enjoy the pros of it, here are the 6 secret points you need to know before your journey embark… ...

5 Best Companies For Working Moms in Hong Kong

With the Hong Kong workforce predicted to shrink in the next three years, the country is looking toward working mothers to fill in the gap in labour force....... ...

Prepare for flexibility - it's where the law may be heading

As anyone who works in Hong Kong will tell you, the average working day in our city for many people is longer than in other parts of the world, writes Kathleen Healy and Laura Chapman. ...

Learning to cash in on drive for diversity

In the last few years there has been an increasing focus on workplace diversity within organisations, and the banking and finance sector is no exception, writes Levina Poon. ...

Contracting is cool

It's time for Hong Kong professionals to embrace contract or interim employment status, as most of them now seem to appreciate the positives of such flexible arrangements, writes Kate Harper. ...

Work-related woes leave staff highly strung

Job stress comes in different forms and while a certain amount of workplace stress is considered by some experts to be positive, it can lead to adverse consequences, such as lower productivity as well as emotional and physical health problems, writes Chris Davis. ...

Galloping ahead

Firms that adapt to HR hurdles will fly in Year of the Horse, writes John Cremer. ...

Sommer blooms

Morgan McKinley associate director blossoms through company’s comprehensive flexible-work scheme, writes Nicholas Olczak. ...

Flexibility helps boost loyalty and productivity

While the issue of fixed working hours continues to provoke lively debate in Hong Kong, the concept of flexible hours is becoming more appealing to senior managers, writes Chris Davis. ...