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Tag: Sommelier

【行業內情】 品酒師嘅Career Path係點?要考甚麼專業資格?入酒店最好做?

品酒師嘅Career Path係點?要考甚麼專業資格?入酒店最好做? ...


品酒師,又名Sommelier,美國通常簡稱「Somm」。呢份工好神秘,比人印象通常都係搖下酒杯嘆下靚酒咁,究竟品酒師工作係做啲乜、搵幾錢、使唔使跑數? ...

Breaking the rice wine barrier

If you've tried the mass-produced saké that's sold in big bottles at a fairly cheap price, it's hard to imagine the variety and sophistication that ... ...

Heady career for knowing noses

In just a few years since the government dropped the tax on wine imports in 2008, Hong Kong has been hailed as the wine capital of Asia, if not ... ...