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把圖書館智能化,已是各地政府及大學學府的大趨勢。對學校而言,圖書館智能化不但可以大大節省圖書館管理人力需求(特別是在香港現今人才嚴重流失之時),更能有效提高學校創新科技的形象,於校園生活植入STEAM元素。 ...

Novel careers at HK libraries

Public libraries hold a special place in the heart of the Hong Kong community, where over four million regular users borrow more than 58 million items a ... ...

Law-firm librarians raising the bar

The image of law-firm librarians stacking bulky legal tomes on shelves has changed beyond all recognition in recent ... ...

Keeping updated

The master of science degree in library and information management is the only programme of its kind in Hong Kong. ... ...