Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Legal Services

Legal land of opportunity

Paul Haswell, partner at Pinsent Masons, is looking to lasso TMT lawyers to lead the way in law’s ‘Wild West’ ...

Construction leads the pack as sentiment builds

With few industry sectors immune to the ebbs and flows of market fluctuations, Hong Kong employers generally hold an optimistic view towards third-quarter hiring, writes Chris Davis. ...

Legally flexible

AdventBalance offers companies ‘embedded’ lawyers. Chris Davis is on the case. ...

Parenthood suits family lawyer

Rita Ku’s exuberance is infectious. It’s the morning after a celebratory party at the China Club and she breezes into the room talking about ... ...

Big demand for lawyers with strong Putonghua

Candidates with a corporate finance background remain among the most sought after in the legal services industry as... ...