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Tag: American Express

A commitment to diversity and an ability to deliver on employees’ well-being has garnered American Express another Best Employers Award

American Express is not only a business with a long and very successful record on the global stage...... ...

Aon Best Employers Hong Kong 2016: American Express is engaging and energising its people

By engaging, inspiring and motivating its employees to contribute to organisational success while supporting their efforts...... ...

Companies are missing out on mum power

Insufficient understanding of the importance of enticing new mothers back to the workforce, and persisting traditional management practices, are hindering Hong Kong companies in tapping the potential of working mothers, writes Andrea Zavadszky. ...

Personal touch

Susanna Lee says Amex is hiring staff to offer tailored services to high-net-worth Asian customers, writes Nicholas Olczak. ...

Amex beefs up in APAC with key hires

American Express International has announced the appointments of Desmond Leung to vice president and general manager, Global Merchant Services, Greater China, and Chris Meyrick to vice president, Human Resources, Asia Pacific in further supporting its growth in the region. ...

YC Koh and Susanna Lee named to key posts at American Express

YC Koh and Susanna Lee named to key posts at American Express ...

Leading lady in e-payment

Kerry Wong is taking PayPal’s successful online service to new heights in Asia, writes John Cremer. ...

Executives 'modestly hopeful' over growth

According to an American Express/CFO Global Business and Spending Monitor Forecast, senior finance executives ... ...

Premium chance to keep Amex customers satisfied

Lifestyle consultants, and those with experience of the travel industry or servicing premium customers, will find a rewarding career with ... ...

Customer satisfaction at a premium

Working for a financial institution has many advantages. Apart from becoming a banker or a financial planner, there are many different positions that need to ... ...