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Tag: Aon Best Employers Hong Kong Awards

A culture of openness lands McDonald’s a sixth Best Employer award

Randy Lai, Managing Director, McDonald’s Hong Kong, believes the latest honour bestowed ..... ...

Going extra miles: DHL’s hard work pays off

For the second year in a row, DHL’s strategies on staff motivation and talent management have earned..... ...

A commitment to diversity and an ability to deliver on employees’ well-being has garnered American Express another Best Employers Award

American Express is not only a business with a long and very successful record on the global stage...... ...

An innovative approach to staff management has earned DBS plaudits and a Best Employers award


AIA Hong Kong and Macau’s people-centred approach to HR is paying off, and has landed it a second Best Employers award in a row.

Stepping into the AIA Hong Kong office, it is evident to see why the company captured .......... ...

The Aon Best Employers Hong Kong Awards recognises excellent HR practices by employers in the city

So often, the commercial success of an organisation correlates with a first-rate performance as an employer ........ ...