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Tag: Time Management

作為一個高級職員,向「OT SAY NO」係好合理嘅?

慣性OT沒完沒了,你覺得真的有必要嗎?可能你是剛成為上司、想管好下屬的初哥,又或是作為食物鏈最低層,你同樣需要知道原來減少OT ........ ...


桃子小姐今年廿七歲,做過三份工,而每份工嘅老細都因為一件事而教訓過佢—「遲到」...... ...

What advice can you give to a teenager who dreams to found a startup in future?


How Managers Can Help Their Team Achieve an Ideal Work Life Balance


Management Tips for Busy Teams

Success for busy, often over-worked teams ultimately comes down to management. Approach deadlines and targets with focus, discipline, and mutual understanding, and you’ll have a winning team working by your side... ...

How to Keep Control Over Stress at Work

Feeling too stressful at work? Keep calm and carry on! Take the 5 steps to tackle anxiety right here now… ...