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Tag: Lessons Learned from Successful Entrepreneurs

A Lunch Ritual with a Twist

The Ritual app lets users place, pay for and pick up lunchtime food orders, but with a twist ...

Workout with bungee cords

A new type of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise known as Bungee Workout™ is trending in Hong Kong. ...

Better gifts are just a few taps away with BYDEAU

Since its creation, BYDEAU has been sharing the joy of traditional gifting with a few simple clicks of a mouse or some taps...... ...

Impact investing: a social for-profit venture that plant trees

A platform that allows organisations to increase their customers while helping their employees on improving their sustainability via SMART tree planting ....... ...

Green Music

The ability to use renewable energy to generate outstanding acoustics for any events is what SolarSoundSystem Hong Kong....... ...

Fast learners

With just a few taps of your finger and the “We Kiddoos” app, it is now possible to find the right tutor in Hong Kong for yourself or your children ....... ...

Fashion brand grows online

Selling fashionable garments at a price that most people find affordable is what one Hong Kong-based e-commerce brand is all about ....... ...

Vee Lea, founder of Aerial Arts Academy, has blazed a trail in dance education in Hong Kong

Having a safe, comfortable place to practise aerial, exotic, or pole dancing is what Hong Kong’s Aerial Arts Academy provides for anyone ......... ...