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Tag: Game Changer

Go your own Whey

Sheila Partat’s whey protein powder, Protelicious, promises to provide busy Hong Kongers with a shot of vitality ...

A silky proposition for women

Maggie Wu’s eponymous clothing and accessories line encourages women to celebrate themselves ...

From Xero to many

Xero’s key to success is education coupled with the innovative solutions for its clients and the wider business community ...

Workout with bungee cords

A new type of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise known as Bungee Workout™ is trending in Hong Kong. ...

Better gifts are just a few taps away with BYDEAU

Since its creation, BYDEAU has been sharing the joy of traditional gifting with a few simple clicks of a mouse or some taps...... ...

Fashion brand grows online

Selling fashionable garments at a price that most people find affordable is what one Hong Kong-based e-commerce brand is all about ....... ...