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Tag: Interviews

Keeping it real: Acknowledging strengths and weaknesses convinces interviewers they’re seeing the real you

As a recruitment and communications strategist, part of my role is to enable candidates to come across as authentic and professional in interviews....... ...

3 Things you should never say to a hiring manager


Awkward moments… 5 things that turn your interviews strange


Pay info is power

Salary negotiations - often the final stage of the interview process - can also be one of the most uncomfortable, writes Katharine de Vaal. ...

Social media opens gate to candidates

To say that you “don’t exist” without an online profile and a social media presence might seem something of an exaggeration, but as far as employers and career advisers are concerned, it is increasingly true, writes John Cremer. ...

What's a good model answer?

I've been to a few interviews and I'm completely stumped by the one to name my greatest weakness. Any advice? ...

Re-interviewing for my job

After a merger six months ago, I've been asked to re-interview for my job as a senior accountant. How can I prepare for it? ...