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【進修新知】2018年《金融時報》排名榜 中大EMBA膺第29位

香港中文大學 ( 下稱中大 ) 商學院行政人員工商管理碩士課程 ( EMBA ) 獲英國《金融時報》( Financial Times ) 評選為2018年度全球EMBA百強排名榜第29位........ ...

【進修新知】《金融時報》EMBA 排行榜 港大首次參與即排第二


Guiding game-changers

CityU DBA helps industry leaders find solutions, writes John Brennan. ...

Top of the world

Stimulating class discussion and cross-cultural exchange are hallmarks of the lauded Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Program, writes Raymond Ma. ...

Banker braces for the ‘aha moment’

To take part in the upcoming 2014 Kellogg-HKUST EMBA classes starting this month, Philippine-based banker Dennis Bancod will need to jet back and forth between Manila and Hong Kong, writes Raymond Ma. ...

Ivey Asia and TWF announce EMBA scholars

EMBA scholarships awarded to four female executives by Ivey Asia and The Women’s Foundation. ...

EMBA scholarships give women the XX factor

If you think that taking an Executive MBA (EMBA) is like those days at university when you could sit back and relax or even skive, then think again, writes Sandra Lam. ...

Adding sparkle

Gordon Lee is on the path to a truly glittering career at Swarovski with the help of his OneMBA from CUHK, writes Chiu Po-sze. ...

Foreign students on the rise as Asia soars

In the past couple of years, we have seen some key trends develop at Asian business schools, writes Michael Taylor. ...

Gaining an edge with mainland management

A “China Focus, World Vision” is at the centre of the Executive MBA (EMBA) for Chinese Executives programme, offered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), which targets Chinese-speaking executives and entrepreneurs in Asia and Greater China, writes Wong Yat-hei. ...