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Tag: Britain

UK employers struggle to fill vacancies - survey

British employers are offering higher pay as the pool of good job candidates dries up at its fastest rate in nearly a decade, according to a survey which may worry the Bank of England. ...

Call for talent

BT is looking for consultative sellers as it engages in Asia expansion, writes John Cremer. ...

Calling the shots

UnLtd HK CEO Kelvin Cheung is helping innovators change society, writes Raymond Ma. ...

Honda cuts British car production further

Honda cuts British car production further due to weak growth outlook. ...

Gift of knowledge

From his HK roots, NUS Business School Dean Bernard Yeung has gone far, writes Rex Aguado. ...

Britain to publish improved data on zero-hours workers

Britain's ONS will ask employers on the number of “zero-hours” workers following criticism on its failure to capture the trend. ...

Not everybody is lovin' UK's zero-hours contracts

McDonald's has emerged as potentially the biggest zero-hours employer in the UK's private sector after admitting that it employs 90 per cent of its entire workforce in Britain - or 83,000 staff - on the controversial terms. ...

‘No work’ jobs cast shadow over UK labour market

1 in 5 jobs created since 2008 on ‘zero hours’ terms, no guarantee of pay and work. ...

Workers say pay still excessive in UK financial services

Pay and bonuses in Britain’s financial services sector remain excessive and encourage risk-taking, according to those working in it. ...