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Tag: Blockchain

【IT事務所】NFT 會否成為另一個泡沫?

相信近大半年間全球最炙手可熱的科技議題非元宇宙 (Metaverse) 及非同質化代幣(Non-Fungible Token, 簡稱NFT)莫屬, 前者由於去年10月28日Facebook行政總裁朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在公司年度活動 Facebook Connect 宣布 Facebook 將會改名「Meta」, 令元宇宙變得聲名大噪 ...

2022 Predictions: What’s Next for Data Protection?

During 2020 and 2021, there was a shift in focus to improving remote working capabilities, access to cloud infrastructure and securing data. Over the next year, however, I believe businesses will desire more control of their data, with a greater focus on the ability to facilitate portability and seamless response to the changing demands of the future. Although hybrid and multi-cloud models are not new, the freedom they provide will make it even more of a reality moving forward. With 2022 only just around the corner and promising to enable the exponential growth in the data protection industry, you might be wondering what’s next. To help plan in advance, here’s a few top trends to look out for... ...

企業轉型刺激需求 「斜槓族」掀職場熱潮

職場多變,變幻才是求恆!當終身制打工模式漸趨過時之際,就業市場興起Slash打工文化....... ...


近年科技發展一日千里,令不少傳統產業出現翻天覆地的變化,正當金融科技 ( Fintech ) 還是言猶在耳....... ...

IBM achieves marketing effectiveness with the latest technology

In every campaign, the key thing Gill Zhou looks for is marketing effectiveness, and the latest technology is providing....... ...

Bain company leader addresses new challenger of digital era

With digital transformation and new technologies fast reshaping large parts of the business world, Dale Cottrell finds himself right at the heart of the action ........ ...

【市場消息】港金融從業員 急需裝備3大技能

專才招聘公司Robert Half委託進行的獨立調查發現,香港金融行業內的傳統職位受數碼轉型和自動化影響而變得更加複雜 .......... ...

【IT事務所】航空業數碼化 大勢所趨

科技影響各行各業已是不爭的事實,而航空業的業務性質涉及大量科技....... ...

【IT事務所】互聯網ABCD 發展銳不可擋 ( 上 )

近年互聯網發展速度可謂有增無減,新科技名詞層出不窮,對一般人而言難免感到吃不消,因而最近有人將當中較重要其中四項科技以「ABCD」命名......... ...


提到區塊鏈 ( Blockchain ),很多人都將其等同虛擬貨幣比特幣 ( Bitcoin )....... ...