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Tag: UPS

Hong Kong’s Journey to the Middle East needs More Sophisticated Logistics Support

Trade between Hong Kong, a major trading hub in Asia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a gateway to European markets, as well as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is set to boom following the city’s multiple initial agreements with the two Middle Eastern trade giants. ...


數碼轉型已是無可避免的發展趨勢,最大的挑戰並不只是技術上的問題,而是在於企業領導層如何改變自己的心態,明確制定長遠的數碼化策略,以全方位改變員工​​及組織。企業若能克服來自組織架構及心理慣性這兩方面的阻力,才能成功部署合適的技術及ICT基礎設施,實現數碼轉型,成為高度可靠及靈活彈性、真正的「數碼企業」。 ...

How small businesses in Hong Kong can stay agile and achieve growth in the year ahead

If there’s one thing the last two years has taught us about business resilience, it is the importance of a sound supply chain strategy. The unpredictability of the pandemic and the six-day grounding of the megaship Ever Given in March 2021, and subsequent blockage of the Suez Canal, have shown that a supply chain disruption can hit anytime and anywhere, with devastating spillover effects in our closely connected world. ...

真誠態度•優質服務 物流銷售必備條件

今時今日,隨著電子商貿更趨繁榮,物流角色亦更見重要。UPS的客戶來自各行各業,涵蓋個人、中小企及跨國公司........ ...

跳出「舒適區」 銷售精英求突破

商業世界節奏急促,物流業更是片刻不歇息,聯合包裹運送服務公司 ( UPS ) 不但致力培育人才..... ...

Lauren Zhao, Hong Kong managing director for UPS, has covered a lot of ground since joining the company straight out of college

Though unorthodox, the strategy Lauren Zhao adopted in finding a first job after ...... ...

物流精英分享銷售要訣 平衡各方需要

現今消費者要求及知識水平與日俱增,令各行各業的銷售工作更具挑戰性,物流市場自然也不例外。於UPS擔任Account Manager的周俊偉 ( Marco ) 及黃浩軒 ( Chris )....... ...

Handle with care

UPS Global Volunteer Month helps deliver staff to where they’re really needed, writes Hilda Poon. ...

Delivering female leaders

Yvonne Kwok, UPS North Asia district legal director, is helping place more women in senior roles. ...

Training - part and parcel of UPS job

Hong Kong's logistics industry is thriving, with government statistics showing that the city's total imports... ...