Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Prudential

Offering lifelong security in a ‘sunshine industry’

The prize awarded to 10 staff from Prudential Hong Kong in the 49th DSA programme serves as strong recognition ...... ...

Family affairs

James Chen has developed an unconventional way to look after his legacy, writes Amy Lam. ...

Bet on bancassurance

Insurance companies’ increasing use of banks to sell products offers lucrative job opportunities, writes Raymond Ma. ...

Best talent on tap

Life insurance and financial services company Prudential eyes recruits with skills to succeed, writes Andrea Zavadszky. ...

Dollars and sense for the young

On the principle that one is never too young to learn about money, a leading insurance company has come up with an innovative plan to teach seven- to 12-year-olds the basics of ... ...

Building the female image

The notional wife now has the power to shape her environment as creator and client... ...

Quest for suitable skills set

Choosing a suitable qualification to match the infinite number of career options in the banking and finance industry is an important consideration... ...