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Tag: Job Shadowing

A two-way learning trip

Student and mentor alike gained invaluable insights during job-shadowing exercise at Deloitte, writes Ben Kwok. ...

Young champions flaunt assets

A third-year professional-accountancy student from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) beat 11 other contestants from four Chinese cities to emerge as ... ...

Contest offers competitors valuable job experience

For Harry Yung Ho-shu, winning was not the best part of the ACCA Job Hunting Competition 2012. Rather, it was the opportunity to engage in serious ... ...

Confidence key to ACCA contest

Taking on his role as a business adviser with gusto, Harry Yung Ho-shu sailed through a day of business plan development and presentation before industry top brass to emerge as ... ...

A culture of caring

From a breastfeeding room to paternity leave, AXA China Region Insurance pampers its .... ...