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Tag: Architecture

Architectural firm LWK & Partners wants people who can reshape cities


The right ingredients

You would be hard-pressed to find a common denominator between battery manufacturing, architecture and the food and beverage industry. However, for Alan Lo, co-founder of the Press Room Group of restaurants, these different strands are nicely woven together in supporting his successful career. ...

Scion of the times

Cheuk Nang executive director Howard Chao has learned that being the boss’s son only gets you so far and it is essential to earn the respect of staff, writes Sandra Lam. ...

Bigger & bolder

Doryun Chong, chief curator of M+, has a grand vision for the West Kowloon museum of visual culture, writes Sandra Lam. ...

Language a strong foundation

Job opportunities in the construction industry remain extremely promising, with dozens of construction projects going on in both the public and private sectors, writes Chiu Po-sze. ...

Creative adventures

Aedas chairman Keith Griffiths is targeting 60 hires as firm expands, writes Andrea Zavadszky. ...

Top talent needed to turn museum design into reality

The M+ museum first came to the attention of the public in 2012, when the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA) announced the M+ Design Competition to attract design ideas from around the world for the art museum's building concept, writes Wong Yat-hei. ...

Woods Bagot wins Asia Pacific Awards for three projects

Firm honoured with Asia Pacific Property Awards for architecture and interior design, and an Asia Pacific Hotel Awards ...

Couture king

Young designers must do more hard graft, Barney Cheng tells Annemarie Evans. ...

Case study: Woods Bagot

With a team of more than 700 people spread across 15 worldwide offices, design studio Woods Bagot already has a significant global presence, writes Michael Taylor. ...