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Tag: Apple

【創業小記】 Steve Jobs的「思維」

Steve Jobs ( 喬布斯 ) 係不少創業人士的偶像,但到底在他的身上我地可以學到甚麼或者甚麼可以用在本身的事業中更為重要...... ...


在進入資訊科技 ( I.T. ) 行業前,不少有經驗的前輩總會耳提面命,I.T.永遠不變的道理就是「變」,必須持續追上新的技術發展。想進入這一個行業,就得習慣I.T.的瞬息萬變,正因為I.T.不斷推陳出新,也使得報考系統化的認證成為一種有效率的學習途徑。自從1989年Novell CNE證照大放異彩,而後各大原廠相繼追隨,但曾幾何時,不少I.T.認證褪去了光環,其背後所代表的價值意義也跟著失焦。 ...

Goldgenie Now Taking Pre-orders for 24ct Gold iPhone 6 Range with Lifetime Warranty


Market Watch Google Apple Dominate Application Ecosystem Acquisitions says Strategy Analytics

In a new report, "Assessing the Investment Priorities of Mobile Players" that examines the acquisition and investment strategies of Apple, Google and a group of leading mobile players, Strategy Analytics finds that the ... ...

10 inspiring Steve Jobs Quotes that you should never forget


Apple-supplier Pegatron ‘abusing’ China workers

US-based China Labor Watch accuses Apple-supplier Pegatron of Taiwan of violating workers’ rights in Shanghai and Suzhou. US tech giant says it is investigating new claims as Taiwan assembler promises action to fix any problems ...

BlackBerry unplugs 250 jobs in Canada

Job cuts hit 250 employees from the New Product Testing Facility, a department that supports BlackBerry’s manufacturing and research and development effort, based in Canada ...

Taiwan’s Hon Hai to hire 3,000 after Mozilla tie-up

Taiwanese tech giant Hon Hai Precision, which makes gadgets for Apple, plans to recruit up to 1,000 technicians and thousands of other staff this year while forging a tie-up with search engine giant Mozilla ...

Apple to add 7,400 jobs in Cupertino by 2016

Apple plans to boost its employee count by 46 per cent to 23,400 in California, paying out US$2.9 billion in annual wages ...