Career Advice Expert Advice

Be on time, or it's "strike one"

There’s no such thing as bad traffic, which, funnily enough, is the single biggest excuse Hong Kong candidates use as for being late for an interview. It’s also the weakest.

Most interviews with prospective candidates are set up days, if not weeks in advance. You have ample time to prepare your responses and  presentation. You also have ample time to arrange your schedule, get up early, get dressed and arrive on time.

Arriving late at an interview often leaves a bad impression. However, if you make the effort to be on time, you will be on time.

If you’re supposed to be there at 10am, then be within 50 metres of the building at least 20 minutes before 10am. If there is a problem with traffic, you’ll have that 20 minute buffer. If traffic’s a breeze, there’s always going to be a coffee shop nearby.

Once you arrive, announce yourself (politely) to reception approximately 5-10 minutes before the scheduled start time.
Never underestimate the time required to get to an interview. Car accidents, delays and, yes, traffic can be unpredictable. If you see yourself losing ground on your arrival time, call ahead. That sort of thing tends to be appreciated.

However, always leave home early when going for an interview, as it will give you time to prepare both yourself and your thoughts.

Remember, there’s no such thing as bad traffic – only bad drivers.