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Tag: Underpaid

【與情緒共舞】永遠都得不到應有薪水? ( 2 )

大部分打工仔大概都有經歷過一種「被老闆壓榨」、「得不到應有工資」的心理不平衡吧。要打破這個自己一直不開心的局面........ ...


下定決心辭職係件非常容易嘅事,哪怕由舊地獄跳入新地獄,只要搵到新工,辭職信一遞,兩袖一揮,毅然離去,又再展開新一頁。 ...

Half yearly review

My performance appraisal is coming up and I would like some tips for justifying a good bonus as I'm currently extremely underpaid ... ...

Wage rises appease workers

The days of endless cheap labour in the "workshop of the world" could be numbered as a shortage of workers and ... ...