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Tag: Review


「我呢一年好滿意你嘅表現,所以我想加你人工,你想加幾多?你開個價嚟啦。」老細呢句語出驚人,你到底會點回應呢?呢度有5個選擇。 ...

Your CIMA exam results are here. Now what?

You have just sat one of your CIMA exams. A wave of relief washes over you — or at least until the results arrive. But what do your exam results mean? That depends on whether you’ve just completed an Objective Test or Case Study exam. Read on to understand what your marks mean and how you can make the most of them. ...

Top tips for getting a first-rate performance review (Part 1)

Just like job interviews, performance reviews are a necessary evil in today’s business world. And, in this time of global economic uncertainty, it is more important than ever for employees to prove their value to their companies. So how do you put your best foot forward? ...


一年一次嘅Appraisal對打工仔黎講係一個爭取權益嘅機會,定係俾阿頭名義上討論工作表現....... ...

Half yearly review

My performance appraisal is coming up and I would like some tips for justifying a good bonus as I'm currently extremely underpaid ... ...