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Tag: Philippine economy

Philippine growth fails to ease poverty, joblessness

At his State of the Nation Address to mark the opening of the 16th Congress, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III talked about the country’s stunning growth, the stable inflation rate and its attainment of investment-grade status from two credit ratings agencies. But analysts said Aquino, who’s now in the third year of his six-year term, is yet to fulfil his campaign promise of reducing poverty by fighting corruption ...

Philippine stocks plunge amid poor jobs, export reports

Stock index slumps as unemployment increased to 7.5 per cent in the three months through April, the highest since the quarter to June 2010, while exports shrank 12.8 per cent in April ...

As Philippines booms, overseas workers return home

Filipinos are returning to jobs back home, a sign of confidence in Asia’s fastest-growing economy that for decades has seen millions leave in search of better prospects overseas ...