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Tag: Interpersonal Skills

Roles of engagement: High-level insights at CP HR Conference 2014

A total of 150 human resources specialists, people managers and corporate leaders attended the Classified Post HR... ...

Handle with care

UPS Global Volunteer Month helps deliver staff to where they’re really needed, writes Hilda Poon. ...

CITIC hunting for hidden treasures

Bank is looking for experienced treasury traders with top-notch Mandarin skills and excellent mainland connections to boot, reports Michael Taylor. ...

Beyond bookkeeping

CPA Australia Career Expo gets to the heart of accounting, reports Darius Musni. ...

Rocking roles for engineers

Recruitment in the geotechnical engineering industry is currently very positive, writes Chiu Po-sze. ...

An 'X' mark for Generations Y and Z

A new survey shows that Generation Y employees in Hong Kong lack the skills needed to drive the city’s economy forward, with most respondents blaming ... ...

Back pat can go a long way

In this final instalment in our series on effective communication in the workplace, we focus on the need for ... ...

High touch for high-tech

In our continuing series on effective communication to avoid office conflict, we focus on technology and ... ...

Seeking bankers with 'soft' touch

In job-hunting these days, prospective employers seem to take for granted an applicant’s cutting-edge hard skills, such as education, technical prowess and ... ...

When saying is believing

Having effective communication skills is imperative to workplace success and productivity. Being an effective communicator also enhances your ... ...