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Tag: executive

Most Viewed Administrative Jobs of This Week (24-30 Aug)

Learn about administrative careers and the wide range of administrative career paths! Find administrative job vacancies at ...

ENISA call for greater efforts to thwart hackers could boost IT banking jobs

Banks need to put more money into combating hackers who have the potential to wreak havoc globally, says the director of the European Union's cyber security agency. ...

Don't be dinosaurs

Recently I spoke with the regional head of a large tech sector company. He had a dilemma: to tweet or not to tweet? Without a social media presence he might be seen as a dinosaur, yet he worried about the time and skills needed. So he hired a professional marketer, who now tweets for him daily. ...

Most desired trait is ability to motivate and lead, survey says

The number one skill that companies and Boards of Directors seek in senior executives is the ability to motivate and lead others, according to a survey by IIC Partners. ...