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Tag: EU

French workers, firms to pay more in pension reform

French president Hollande’s proposed reform – aimed at closing a looming US$27-billion pensions deficit – is under close scrutiny from markets and EU partners, as business chiefs say reform will increase tax burden. Reforms extend payment period from 41.5 years to 43 years by 2035, but leave untouched the legal retirement age of 62 ...

Greece okays bill slashing thousands of jobs

Tied to the Greece’s next tranche of EU-IMF loans, sweeping bill of reforms is narrowly approved by parliament, paving the way for the redeployment of 25,000 civil servants and the termination of another 4,000 by the end of the year ...

EU leaders see ‘catastrophe’ amid youth joblessness

French president Francois Hollande makes impassioned plea for jobless ‘post-crisis’ generation that fears it will never work ...