Career Advice Job Market Trend Report

Sector offers jobs bonanza

Property management

Job prospects in the property management industry are extremely positive, with the sector having long faced the problem of a manpower shortage. In addition to the booming Hong Kong market, the mainland has actively developed its own market and needs manpower to help manage property. The industry has a clearly defined career path, with large firms offering many job opportunities.

The sector has also shown that it greatly values continuous learning - something very important to anyone seeking long-term development - by joining the Education Bureau's Qualifications Framework. This will help employees seeking promotion to have a clear idea about the kind of continuous learning they should pursue.

The industry does have its shortcomings, such as staff being required to work shift duties, even on Sundays, as well as overtime. Some frontline staff may be required to solve problems unrelated to their job duties. Employees therefore need special techniques to handle various complaints and have to be smooth when dealing with people.

Yip Ngai-ming, chairman, Chartered Institute of Housing Asian Pacific Branch
As told to Chiu Po-sze