Career Advice Job Market Trend Report

Hiring up in emerging regions

The pace of recruitment in Suzhou, Chongqing, Shenzhen and other emerging regions on the mainland is expected to surpass first-tier cities, according to a survey. 

Conducted by employment service provider Manpower, the survey shows that of the 3,966 companies interviewed in 14 mainland cities, 23 per cent will increase their workforces in the next few months, compared with six per cent of the respondents who expect to reduce headcount.

Among the remaining employers, 16 per cent are unsure about their hiring plans.

The survey also finds that hiring prospects have strengthened in 12 of the 14 cities, with the exception of Xi'an and Qingdao. The most prosperous hiring intentions are reported by employers in Suzhou, Chongqing and Shenzhen, while the outlook is not as strong in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.

"Suzhou pillar sectors -  auto parts, electronics, and manufacturing - are emerging from the crisis and witnessing increases in job orders," says Danny Yuan, managing director for Manpower China.


More courses at HR institute

The Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management will offer three certificate courses for professionals, starting next month.

The certificate in reward management covers pay for performance, benefits and  reward communication.

The certificate in sourcing and staffing will address issues such as outsourcing and insourcing recruitment, different recruitment policies, employment legislation and staff engagement.

The certificate in learning and development (train-the-trainer) will focus on learning methodologies and presentation and facilitation skills.

The first two courses end in June while the third finishes in May. For more information, go to or call 2837 3819.


Pay disparity getting worse  

The income disparity between top executives and frontline workers on the mainland has deteriorated since 2006, Xinhua reports.

Zhang Shiping, an All China Federation of Trade Unions official and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference's National Committee, said during a CPPCC panel discussion that pay packets of senior executives in 2008 was 18 times higher than that of workers.

He was citing findings from a survey of 208 state-owned enterprises. Payments for 14.4 per cent of workers  were delayed and 60.2 per cent of employees did overtime last year.