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Tag: People Management


有無發現,打工仔轉工嘅主要原因,除咗係想升職加人工之外,仲想逃離惡頂上司嘅魔掌⋯⋯ 喺職場上遇到好上司嘅機會率似乎偏低,究竟做上司點先叫好,先可以令下屬開開心心留低工作?以下11個特質,你嘅上司 / 作為管理人員嘅你有幾多個? ...

Keeping pace with evolving expectations

Public perceptions of senior bankers are not overly flattering at present, writes Jeffrey Tang. ...

Director gets down to business

Many high-fliers in the accounting sector believe that great accountants should not only be good with numbers, they should also be good business leaders, writes Wong Yat-hei. ...