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Tag: Outsourcing


近日全球經濟發展不穩,特別是香港的零售及旅遊業,連帶到不少相關行業都開始擔心未來的發展。筆者還記得每逢遇上經濟下行,I.T.部門必成重災區,就以滙豐為例,早前公佈全球裁員計劃,據知涉及不少I.T.職位,相比於其他部門,I.T.工作更容易被「外判」方式取代。面對愈來愈多的外判和離岸( Outsourcing and Off-shoring )措施,I.T.人應該如何自處,而外判有否窒礙I.T.發展? ...

'Free agents' may just win the race

According to Carl Camden, president and chief executive of recruitment firm Kelly Services, a new employment model is fast taking shape, based on the “free agent” concept and reflective of shifting economic realities, writes John Cremer. ...

It's even more fun for Philippine properties

Bouncing back from a limited downturn during the global financial crisis, the Philippines' commercial, retail and residential property sectors have proved resilient over the past two to three years, according to market players, writes Chris Davis. ...

US immigration law may hurt Indian outsourcing

US efforts to tighten its guest-worker programmes could lead to US$8b in losses among Indian IT outsourcing firms, to the benefit of US enterprises such as Microsoft and IBM. However, a clampdown may have a silver lining for India by ensuring skilled workers stay in or return to the country sooner ...

Grant Thornton taps Mathieu and Yip for new unit

Grant Thornton Corporate Services is created by combining business with SYMM Corporate Services, with Laure Mathieu and Sharon Yip joining as managing director and executive director, respectively, of the new service arm, with a focus on French businesses ...

Barclays to move 4,000 admin jobs to cut costs

Britain’s third-largest lender by market value, Barclays plans to save as much as £250 million (HK$2.97 billion) by moving the administrative positions – mostly in IT and operations – to outsourcing companies and offshore. The move will bring the job cuts to almost 21,000 since 2008. ...

Legally flexible

AdventBalance offers companies ‘embedded’ lawyers. Chris Davis is on the case. ...

Business strategy catches on

Regardless of the state of the economy, employers in Asia know that sustained success in any sector depends on effective ... ...