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Tag: meeting

【開會 = 浪費時間?】12個貼士令你開會工作事半功倍

「開會」基本上返工嘅例行公事,應該得好少部份嘅打工仔係唔使開會。開會嘅目的有好多,可能係跟進項目進度,定期嘅Business update,競爭對手有咩新動向,未來一個月嘅Action plan等等。睇落好似幾好,令到老細同同事可以充分理解公司做緊咩,但慢慢你有無發現,返工大部份時間就拎嚟開會,6點後先可以返埋位做嘢呢?喺呢個Moment,你就會諗:其實開會為咩? ...

Networking Tips You've Got to Try

Becoming a great networker can put you a step ahead of the crowd. Set yourself up by being aware of the external stressors that affect how you appear and behave, and put your best foot (and mood) forward. Find ways to connect to others by focusing on being likable and making a great impression on others. ...

10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings

Like everyone, appearing in meetings is my top priority. Sometimes this can be difficult if you start daydreaming about your next vacation... ...