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Tag: interview question


見工面試最怕答不到HR的提問,但如果你心水清,又或者有豐富面試經驗,會發現每間公司的招聘人員提出的問題都是相類似。今次CPjobs為各位求職者準備了10大常問問題及回答建議,一齊來看看吧! ...


見工面試猶如演技測試,對答準備愈充足、表現愈誠懇,招聘人員愈會加分。對於一眾求職者來說,最難答的問題應該是:「點解會想走嘅?做得好哋哋⋯⋯」若沒有一個得體的答案,恐怕扣分多過加分。問題難答,但首先我們要了解HR問問題的目的,背後有甚麼想法。 ...

Three questions to expect in an interview and how to respond


Getting the best out of that most common interview question

By its very nature, the “so, tell me about yourself” question is an extremely broad one, and can prompt candidates to start telling the interviewer ....... ...