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Tag: Human Resource

The 2018 Hays Asia Salary Guide- Human Resources



作為人事部(HR)在未認識求職者之前,只能靠一張CV去判定見還是不見。能夠入圍已非易事,入圍了就請好好把握機會表現自己,將履歷未能表達的表達出來。但總有些嚇人的表現會趕走HR,你們要小心不要成為下一個啊! ...


人事部(HR)可算是最難做的部門之一,打工仔一般都不喜歡人事部的人,因為人事部要執行公司政策,看起來就像站在管理層那一邊,是打壓打工仔的工具;但另一邊廂,公司又會覺得人事部專為員工謀福利,只懂打老闆荷包著數,站在員工那一邊。這些偏見或因對HR工作的不認識,造成HR兩面不討好。其實,HR職責範疇十分廣泛,要做得稱職、專業,一點也不容易。 ...

Co-founder, chairman and CEO of Drake International Bill Pollock sheds light on a lifetime in HR

Even now, at the tender age of 88 years, Robert William “Bill” Pollock – the co-founder, chairman and CEO of global staffing and human resource management company Drake International....... ...

Occupying HR: What to do if employees take time off to protest?

The Issues... ...