Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Merissa Yeow

Merissa Yeow is client solutions director , Asia at Korn Ferry Futurestep.

Should I take an interim job in an inferior role just to show recruiters I am occupied?

I am an engineer in a very specific field and I have been out of work for six months now so frustration is beginning to get the better of me. I have had a couple of interviews, one of which led to a second one, but nothing beyond that.This is the first time in my life I have been out of work for longer than a couple of weeks. I am tempted to apply for positions I am less interested in, simply to show that I am at least willing and keeping myself occupied. Do you think this is a good idea?  ...

How will I manage appraisals in my new role?

I was recently appointed manager at a large international company and one of the main tasks I have been entrusted with is appraisals. I have to admit I am not very comfortable doing them as I have never really seen their worth when I was the one being appraised. I will also be reviewing the performances of my own former colleagues. I do not want to be too critical of them, but I really don’t have any choice now that I am in a manager’s role. How do you suggest I go about the task?   ...