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US Air president to keep same job in American merger

ATLANTA: American Airlines parent AMR Corp and US Airways Group, which are merging to create the world’s largest carrier, said that Scott Kirby, president of US Airways, would hold the same job in the new company.

Derek Kerr, chief financial officer at US Air, would have that role at the new company, American Airlines Group, which would be based in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, the current AMR headquarters.

The merger is expected to close in the third quarter, pending various government approvals.

Others US Airways executives named as top managers were: Elise Eberwein will head communications, Robert Isom, will be in charge of airline operations, and Stephen Johnson will run corporate affairs.

From the American Air side, the executives named as top executives were: Beverly Goulet, in charge of integration; Maya Leibman, chief information officer; and William Ris, managing government affairs.

The new company’s board will have 12 directors, the companies said. They include James Albaugh, a former CEO of the commercial airplanes division at planemaker Boeing Co.

The companies had previously said Doug Parker, the current CEO at US Airways, will have that job at the new American. Current American Air CEO Tom Horton will be chairman of the new company through its first annual meeting. Then, Parker will take over.