Career Advice Job fairs and Events

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Terence Leung, manager of the Knowledge Centre at the Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company, says that emerging companies at Cyberport are offering attractive openings for IT professionals which provide abundant opportunities for career development and an ideal working environment.

"Start-up companies stand a good chance of recording exponential growth," he says. "They typically have a flat organisational structure, meaning that employees are likely to play a key role in the company, with great involvement in decision-making. This leads to stronger job satisfaction. A flat organisational structure is also conducive to generating innovative technical and business ideas.

"Furthermore, Cyberport provides a relaxing, non-traditional working environment that encourages creativity and innovation."

Leung notes that the Career Forum is a good platform for companies in the Cyberport community to identify and hire talent. "This is a good occasion for Cyberport companies to reach out to jobseekers, so that they will not have to go all the way to Cyberport," he says.

Leung has a few tips for forum participants. "First, understand yourself and the market needs. Second, be focused on jobs that really interest you, rather than apply for jobs indiscriminately. Third, bring a CV as well as related references and portfolios. Dress appropriately, and speak clearly with confidence. Last, show your strengths and passion for the job and the industry."