Career Advice 進修新知

Cultural focus

Master of Arts in Anthropology

Chinese University

Chinese University's master of arts in anthropology is designed to help students challenge their notions of culture. Programme director Joseph Bosco says there is a growing interest in anthropology among Hongkongers who have long gravitated towards business and engineering.

The programme, which introduces students to the systematic exploration of culture and shows them the way to study culture from an anthropological perspective, takes place in a multicultural classroom setting, Bosco says.

"Students can see how ideas and behaviour they think are 'natural' are actually culturally learned, and understand how culture operates and changes. Those from overseas have the opportunity to live in Hong Kong and learn about the diversity of Chinese culture."

Students should have good writing ability and critical thinking, Bosco says. While a first degree in anthropology isn't necessary, some knowledge of the field is expected.

He says most students are working professionals. "Students with backgrounds in education, design and business hope to find new inspiration in their work. We also have a few senior professionals who are interested in anthropology and choose to come back to school after being a teacher, government official, or businessman."

Courses are taught on weekday evenings and weekends in the day. Full-time students are expected to complete the course in one year, while part-time students normally take two years. All students must finish in four years.