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【搵工攻略】10大貼士幫你增加求職成功率 搵工轉工話咁易

搵到搵唔到,唔係靠彩數。「搵工」,除咗喺網上求職平台(例如CPjobs)Search keywords睇下有咩新Job opening之外,當中仲包含更新履歷表(CV),準備面試同埋見工之後嘅跟進部署等等。所有嘅準備都係為咗畀未來僱主見到自己嘅工作能力,從而獲得工作機會。好多打工仔轉工唔順利,好多時未必係運氣問題,有可能係準備不足,個人未Ready都未定。 ...

Giving the Perfect Presentation (Part 2)

In this part, we continue with further tips on how to give the perfect presentation...... ...

Giving the Perfect Presentation (Part 1)

Very few people in the world enjoy the prospect of giving a presentation. Even though you may not be speaking to millions of people, giving the perfect presentation is still important. ...


在競爭激烈的求職市場中,若將僱主比作買家,那麼求職者便是商品,如何能在短時間內吸引買家的注意力,作為「廣告」的履歷表( CV ),則起到了至關重要的作用。究竟製作履歷表時有何注意之處?ManpowerGroup大中華區副總裁徐玉珊為職場新人指點履歷表的必殺技。 ...

Awkward moments… 5 things that turn your interviews strange


Make first impressions count

The sixth "Global Opportunities - Career Market Day", organised by CPA Australia, shows every sign of being the ... ...

Candidates need to be a good 'cultural fit'

As senior resourcing manager for Standard Chartered Bank, Belinda Chan knows a good recruitment opportunity when she ... ...