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Tag: Social Media Marketing


社交平台與我們的生活密不可分,據2017年的全球統計,Facebook最新用戶人數已突破20億..... ...

Data with destiny

Cheil COO Michael Kim needs people who can connect with consumers, writes John Brennan. ...

Online retail therapy

Social media is helping create new careers for marketers, writes Chris Davis. ...

Net gains for HKU's MSc students

All executives face the same fundamental challenge: how to deal with the changes and capitalise on the opportunities ... ...

Digital marketers give Cebu Pacific Air extra lift

With social media changing the way people communicate, businesses are now hoping to ride on the new technologies to boost their ... ...

Mobile marketers must be die-hard techies and able to craft great campaigns

Smartphones and applications stores have revolutionised the software market. With apps stores, developers of software or games can share their work with ... ...

Hunt on for social and digital media experts

Social and digital media platforms have revolutionised the way companies do business and reach out to ... ...

Digital guy likes going viral

Poring over Facebook and Twitter may be the pastime of most people, but for Kevin On, these social media can serve as tools to help companies reach their tech-savvy ... ...

Happy days are here again

As Hong Kong's economy continues to expand and new projects are planned across industries, employers are budgeting for new hires, opening up jobs and career ... ...