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Tag: Retention

Professional Employer Organization: Pros and Cons in 2021

One of the biggest challenges for any company is recruiting and retaining talent. Regardless of the industry, finding the right people is often a challenge. However, the IT field faces unique hurdles that make attracting the best talent even more important. It's hard not just to find an IT specialist, but someone who is a perfect fit. Because of these challenges, many IT companies are hiring professional employer organizations to streamline the hiring process and make it more efficient. These specialized, qualified recruiters can streamline the process and reduce hiring time. ...

How to adapt to rapid changes discussed at Classified Post and Willis Towers Watson breakfast seminar

For many years, the issues of recruitment, engagement and retention have topped employers’ priority lists........ ...

Bad Management Traits To Avoid

Bad management is catastrophic to business on multiple levels: reduced employee morale, minimal levels of productivity, low retention of talent pool, lack of motivation and creativity, and a host other crushing factors that can destroy your bottom line. Gallup research reveals that a staggering number of employees, roughly 70%, attribute their own motivation directly to their manager... ...

Improve retention in your team

Retention should be a key element in any company’s HR strategy and many companies have structured programmes...... ...